I can do this.
Steam fogged the sides of the mirror, but did not distort the image.
I can’t be afraid.
He saw himself, in a old beaten undershirt he loved, and a pair of red gloves.
Fear is the mind killer…
He knew he shouldn’t be afraid, they never were.
I must not, I will not fear….
He was different now, a far cry from the boy who was picked on and beaten.
I accepted this fight, and now I must finish it.
Much had changed since that day, far more than just his now full and seasoned face.
I am strong, I am a man.
By chance or pure luck, a pair of brothers had passed by and heard the ruckus of a fight. When they checked to see, they found Jack lying there, assaulted and cowardly beaten.
I won’t disappoint them.
The brothers had done more than just helped him that day, they saved his life.
This fight is for them, and I will not lose it.
They took in a worthless skinny boy fixed him up, trained him and gave him purpose.
I will do this.
They had taken a boy, and turned him into a man.
Jack pounded his gloves hard as his reflect seemingly nodded in approval. Today would not be a loss, but the coming of age of a new fighter.